The "Value" variable contains the lowest value of array1 list.
- When the user passes the value on the array, then the above code is used to find the minimum value from the list of value which is passed by the user.
- The above array has the 25 sizes, so it will take only 25 value from the user, Then the loop will assume the first value as the minimum value and assign that value on the variable "value".
- Then all the other elements accessed by the for loop and compare with the value of Value variable if the array value is minimum, then that value is assigned on the variable value.
- Hence the minimum value of the list will be assigned on the variable value.
You can login in root terminal and then type #sudo Zach
Shell programs are computer programs designed to run on the Unix/Linux shell
The shell program where comments are used to explain each line is as follows:
#This gets input for NAME
read NAME
#This gets input for AGE
read AGE
#This gets input for USN
read USN
#This gets input for GENDER
#This prints the name
echo "Name: $NAME"
#This prints the age
echo "Age: AGE"
#This prints the usn
echo "USN: USN"
#This prints the gender
#The following if condition determines, if the user is eligible to vote or not
if [ $USN -gt 50 ] then
echo "You are not eligible"
echo "You are eligible"
Read more about computer programs at:
Hypertext is a text in a document which references some other link within the same page or another page.
Search engine is an information retrieval system from larger pool of resources.
IT is for information technology whereby with the help of systems and communication medium we are able to send, retrieve information from one place to another.
Some website page can contain hypertext which is a link to another page. These are simple text upon clicking it lands us to another page or a pop up activity.
Examples of search engine is google with which we can search and retrieve information from a large database servers.
IT governs the ways these information exchanges taking place between client and sender with help of systems(computers) and communicating medium(internet).