Heuristic thinking
This form of thinking involves educated and calculated guess, it involves critical thinking that leads to a major decision. It can be understood that Raul is trying to figure out the right man for the job, convergent thinking is used majorly in questions and answers, trying to pick this right answer from the question, same goes to divergent as that is the opposite of convergent. The best thinking that explains what Raul is trying to figure out is heuristic thinking.
Topical retinoid
Topical retinoid is a lotion, cream and gel that is being made from vitamin A that is used for the proliferation and used to reduce the keratinization of the skin cells that independent for their functions as a vitamin. Many of the branding creams contain retinol content int their products.
To reduce the moderation of acne, pimple, etc.
It is being used to reduce the scars.
But sometimes it can irritate the skin specially sensitive skin.
It can increase the chances of sin burn with some people.
Prehistory refers to the period of time before civilization and writing.
Since pre means "before," and history is the record of human events, prehistory refers to the time before human civilization developed and started writing things down.