Please Provide more information, but generally you can use any measuring tools. If its volume, the formula is V = W * H * L
Los volcanes Villarrica, Llaima, Volcán Osorno, Chillán (en Chile), Nevado de Colima, Volcán Ceboruco, Popocatépetl (en México)ejemplos de estratovolcanes
A) Image A represents a peptide hormone that interacts with a receptor, and image B represents a steroid hormone that interacts with the cell's DNA.
physical process
Assuming that there are no latency mechanisms that prevent germination, several factors are required for the embryo contained in the seed to restart its development.
Water Absorption
Embibition: It is a special case of a <u>physical phenomenon</u> called diffusion, and as such, there is a diffusion gradient. It is characterized by an increase in volume of the substance or body that embeds and is closely related to the properties of colloidal materials. The colloidal particles in the seed form a moderately rigid miscelar network, in which electric charges of opposite signs are oriented in a defined manner. When water penetrates the seed, one fraction occupies the free spaces and another chemically joins the substances of which the seeds are composed. The volume of the seeds increases with the embibition, but the final volume of the system (seed + water) is smaller than the sum of the initial individual volumes of seeds and water; This contraction of the system is proof of the occupation of the free spaces within the seed and the absorption of water in the colloidal matrix.
The embibition rate is affected by several factors that can determine the germination response of the seeds.
This is my opinion- please note this is NOT a fact:
Scientists label planets and dwarf planets to further distinguish what actually classifies a planet. If scientists didn’t have a classification system, the argument could be made that solid matter in space could be named a “planet” (asteroids, moons, etc.). Having certain classification thresholds means that planets that could support life are identified.
Again- this is NOT fact, my simple opinion. I could be very wrong.