Embryologist study embryos because Embryology is central to evolutionary developmental biology ("evo-devo"), which studies the genetic control of the development process (e.g. morphogens), its link to cell signalling, its roles in certain diseases and mutations, and its links to stem cell research.
Answer:the virus seems to keep changing and adapting
For example they have found that it now attacks your kidneys heavily causing failure when in the beginning it did not
Answer:Traits are determined by genes, and also they are determined by the interaction with the environment with genes. And remember that genes are the messages in our DNA that define individual characteristics. So the trait is the manifestation of the product of a gene that is coded for by the DNA.
A. Cerebellum
By far the largest region of your brain is the forebrain (derived from the developmental prosencephalon), which contains the entire cerebrum and several structures directly nestled within it - the thalamus, hypothalamus, the pineal gland and the limbic system.
True cause pesticide can end up killing other bugs you don't wanna kill like bees