Let's see there's forming, storming, norming and performing. I would use teambuilding during forming to limit the amount of storming in the next stage.
In a command or planned economy, the factors of production are owned and controlled by the government. The government makes all the significant economic decisions such as production, distribution, and pricing.
The government prepares a central plan for the entire economy. The plan determines the production level, the goods and services to be produced, and their prices. The central government employs all workers. The private sector does not exist.
A purchasing department may have difficulty getting a product quickly as it may not be readily available so may have to wait for it and also, there may be a problem getting a product at a reasonable price which means the purchaser would have to search elsewhere for it which could take time.
Answer: <u>PRODUCT MODIFICATION</u> refers to changing one or more of a product's characteristics; while, a <u>LINE EXTENSION</u> is the development of a product closely related to one or more products in the existing product line but designed specifically to meet somewhat different customer needs.
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