I believe the answer would be C. slows down, hope this helps:)
attribute of a person that often cannot be measured directly but can be assessed using numbers of indicators or manifest variables
Experiments to determine mechanisms involve looking at indirect evidence to help support or disprove a proposed mechanism.
Most intermediates are not typically isolated to determine reaction mechanisms.
Carbocations are very reactive and are typically not isolated for analysis.
Scientists can prove that a specific mechanism exists.
Evidence of intermediates sometimes can be seen using techniques such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
The study of reaction mechanism and chemical kinetics often form the main thrust of study in organic, inorganic and physical chemistry.
We often want to know the actual processes involved in the conversion of one specie to another. Unfortunately, this information may have to be obtained indirectly by certain chemical reactions or by the use of new instrumental methods such as nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy.
Many organic reactions have carbocation intermediates. These carbocations are relatively short-lived and are transient intermediates which are rarely isolated unless they are isolated in a molecular cage using a macromolecule or in superacids.
By intensive study, scientists can proof or disprove the authenticity of any proposed mechanism.
We must know that a transition state has partial bonds. It is often an extremely short-lived specie which cannot be isolated.
Main advantages of DDT are the insecticide property and the knoledge about its chemical synthesis.
At that time in 1939 it was discovered that DDT have insecticide properties. It is a useful property because it allows inhibition of insects populations in large areas. Killing insects will reduce the diseases transmitted by them as typhus and malaria. More over you prevent the destruction of the agricultural crops by the harmful insects.
However the synthesis of the molecule was known way back in 1874. From that time it was plenty of time in which chemistry knowledge evolved so the synthesis at kilograms scale was implemented. High quantities of DDT molecule become available for the market so that in 1945 was available as agricultural insecticide.
It was discovered that DDT have bad effects for human health and also over time some insects developed resistance and their were not affected anymore by the molecule.
You may find the chemical structure of DDT in the attached figure.
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about DDT
Answer: Electrical energy is defined as an electric charge that lets work be accomplished. An example of electrical energy is power from a plug outlet. YourDictionary definition and usage example.