Deep sleep reduces the likelihood someone will have a nightmare.
In simple words, all other points except the last statement are scientifically proves facts of what are some major requirements to get a proper sleep. In history, the cavemen had issues with hunting in darkness so they decided to wait until the day which ultimately led to long sleeps for them.
Also, sleep is essential for the body and brain as it heals the damaged neurons and also relaxes the muscles all over the body.
She was born a slave but escaped. She lead hundreds of other slaves to freedom as well using the Underground Railroad (which wasn't an actual railroad, it was a system of secret routes and safe houses)
The negative impact of alcohol abuse on the lives of women encouraged many women to join reform efforts
Access to education provided skills for a job outside the home and economic independence.
Deafness is no longer seen as an obstacle, but as an important feature that affects the individual's ability to live independently, while still continuing to be labeled as disability. An important role is played by the study of the lives of people with disabilities, their personal growth, employment, the search for ways to overcome isolation and stimulate independence. At the same time, the definition of the deaf as “disabled” and their study together with the blindness, people with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, mental disorders, etc. often led to ignoring the cultural and linguistic specifics of this group.
The cultural model of disability, as a rule, is usually attributed to the post-traditional paradigm and determined through the struggle of people with disabilities for their cultural identity in the process of recognizing their own differences from the dominant group. Unlike other categories of people with disabilities, in the case of which “it is rather difficult to answer the question of what is the culture of disability”, researchers of the deaf and hard of hearing even in the middle of the 20th century drew attention to the sign language and culture of the deaf and, therefore, began to interpret deafness not as a disability, but as one of the socio-demographic characteristics of a person.
Adherents of the cultural concept consider the deaf culture as a subculture whose main characteristics are sign language, self-determination, similar behavioral patterns, internal marriages, a common historical heritageб and a network of formal associations and organizations.
At the same time, the first criticism of this approach appeared in scientific discourse, expressing skepticism regarding the existence of an independent phenomenon of the deaf culture. It was noted that the culture of the deaf is only a mirror image of mass culture and exists only as a reaction to the “hearing” one.
Jean Piaget developed his cognitive -developmental theory based on the idea that children actively construct knowledge as they explore and manipulate the world around them.
The four stages of Piaget’s theory of cognitive development correspond with the age of the child; they include the sensorimotor , preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages.
The sensorimotor stage occurs from birth to age 2 and is characterized by the idea that infants ” think ” by manipulating the world around them.
The preoperational stage occurs from age 2 to age 7 and is characterized by the idea that children use symbols to represent their discoveries.
The concrete operational stage occurs from age 7 to age 11 and is characterized by the idea that children’s reasoning becomes focused and logical.
The formal operational stage occurs from age 11 to adulthood and is characterized by the idea that children develop the ability to think in abstract ways.
Key Terms
deductive reasoning: Inference in which the conclusion cannot be false given that the premises are true.
object permanence: The understanding (typically developed during early infancy) that an object still exists even when it disappears from sight or other senses.
Transitivity: The idea that if A is related to B, and B is related to C, then A must be related to C.
assimilation: The absorption of new ideas into an existing cognitive structure.