This is an example of A. Fate control
Fate control refers to an individual having complete control <em>over another </em>individual's actions or about the general outcome of his/her life. The person whose actions are being controlled has no say in this whatsoever.
In this case, Derrick's wife works from home and we would say she depends on him. She feels that she <em>does not have a choice over the matter,</em> thus this example is about fate control.
Qualified Immunity
This law was established by The Supreme Court in 1967.
This prevents and protects officers from being petitioned for non compulsory actions during the course of duty unless their activities breached federal law or constitutional rights.
Because The (G.I Bill) allowed soldiers returning home to go to college and get good educations Not only that agriculture in Georgia in the 40s was completely dominated by women.
It would go down because the government wouldn’t be spending money to help the dip go up.