Production or consumption activities lead to an external cost for the third party, which causes the social marginal cost to exceed the private marginal cost. Consumers and producers base their decisions on private marginal cost and there would be an overproduction or excessive consumption of the good. The balance output is more than the efficient output.
Taxes must be imposed to correct the divergence between social and private marginal costs.
On the other hand, production or consumption leads to an external benefit for the third party, which means that the marginal social benefit exceeds the private marginal benefit. Consumers and producers base their decision on private marginal benefit and there would be underproduction or low consumption of the good. The balance output is less than the efficient output. The government would have to provide subsidies to producers or consumers to correct these inefficiencies.
The increase in demand of the product with the higher price or decrease in demand for the other goods is because the substitution effect is outweighed by the income effect of price increase.
The above explanation in economics refers to Giffen Good. The idea behind this concept Giffen is that if you do not have money and there is an increase in the price of a fundamental product such as bread, it is still impossible to afford other alternatives, hence you will go ahead to buy bread or avoid buying any of the product. Hence, the demand for other product will also decrease in this case. This means that the demand for product with higher price or decrease in other substitute product is due to the fact that the income effect outweighs the substitution effect. Hence people do not have the money to even afford the alternative product.
Rules for Admission to the Bar
The Rules for Admission to the Bar have been updated as of July 1, 2017. A complete listing of rules can be downloaded in PDF format. Or, browse Rules by section using the links below.
1. Purpose
2. Definitions and Due Date Provisions
3. State Board of Law Examiners
4. General Requirements for Admission
5. Standards for Admission
6. Admission by Examination
7. Admission Without Examination
8. Admission by Temporary License for Legal Services Programs
9. Admission by Temporary House Counsel License
10. Admission by House Counsel License
11. License for Foreign Legal Consultants
12. Fees
13. Immunity
14. Confidentiality and Release of Information
15. Adverse Determinations and Hearings
16. Conditional Admission
17. Appeal to the Supreme Court
18. Reapplication
19. Bar Admissions Advisory Council
The answer is: A) $0
I am assuming Stuart's stock is part of his retirement account. If this is true, then the stock dividends and stock splits are not taxed as they are earned (but they will be taxed later when Stuart starts receiving his distributions).
If Stuart's stock was not part of his retirement account, then he would have to pay taxes (usually a 15% tax rate applies).
Bad Debt Expense ($40,000 - $3,200) $36,800
To Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $36,800
(Being the bad debt expense is recorded)
The adjusting entry is shown below:
Bad Debt Expense ($40,000 - $3,200) $36,800
To Allowance for Doubtful Accounts $36,800
(Being the bad debt expense is recorded)
For recording this we debited the bad debt expense as it increased the expenses and credited the allowance for doubtful debts as it decreased the value of the assets
And since there is a credit balance so the same is deducted from the account receivable