Their differences may eventually stop the separated squirrels from breeding with one another this is an example of an Allopatric speciation
In allopatric speciation, species from the same population evolve some different characters due to the differences in geographical locations.
In this scenario, the species become reproductively isolated and diverge.
The mating times of the squirrel have changed due to the environmental changes.
They no longer interbreed and hence no viable offspring thus sexually isolated from each other.
Trees take up carbon dioxide from the atmosphere and reduce to make carbohydrates. This is powered by the energy of the sun that is taped by chlorophyll pigments during photosynthesis. The energy is used to split water molecules into H+ and O2-. Then the following chemical reaction ensues;
6CO2 + 6H2O ------> C6H12O6 + 6O2
B: Demand
If the demand increases the Nation's currency values also increases