“Organizaciones sin fines lucro son aquellas que no tienen una meta económica o lucrativa. Generalmente son organizaciones que poseen fines comunitarios o de ayuda de algún tipo.”
hunting is not legal but we need to make sure that most animals don't
go extinct but when the growth goes up we need to size down them
B C & D
All of the suspects told the officers evidence that pointed mostly at them for the culprit but didn't confess
Answer: Most bills will have an effective date noted in the text of the bill. If an effective date is not noted, however, and if the bill passed by a two-thirds majority, then the bill takes effect immediately. If the bill does not pass by a two-thirds majority, then the bill becomes effective 90 days after adjournment.
Revised the three strikes law to impose life sentence only when the new felony conviction is "serious or violent."
Proposition 36 modified elements of California's "Three Strikes" Law, which was approved by the state's voters in 1994. In 2004, voters rejected Proposition 66, which like the 2012 measure was an attempt to change some aspects of the original "Three Strikes" Law.