Good luck on your questions! :D
There, ecosystem services are grouped into four broad categories: provisioning, such as the production of food and water; regulating, such as the control of climate and disease; supporting, such as nutrient cycles and oxygen production; and cultural, such as spiritual and recreational benefits.
They contain different genetic material.
DNA viruses contain DNA for genetic material while RNA viruses contain RNA. When RNA viruses enter a host cell, they must convert their RNA into DNA. DNA viruses change the biochemical functions in the nucleus for DNA replication and creates RNA that controls the proteins needed by the DNA virus (capsid).
Answer: It will affect muscle contraction because it is needed for the formation of muscle contraction cross-bridge.
Explanation: During muscle contraction calcium binds to troponin, a protein complex that regulates muscle contraction by exposing the binding site of actin filament. Actin filament active site is where myosin head binds to, creating a cross-bridge using enzyme ATPase to speed the reaction. Calcium ion are needed to activate troponin movement, otherwise it stays in its inactive form blocking the active site of actin filament. Without calcium ions, troponin will not move and there will be no muscle contractions.
It is a organism because its living