Make the learning fun.
Use bright colors and large numbers, use symbolism as well (Show 2 Cookies, then put in one more cookie, then ask how many cookies are now there), and offer rewards to encourage the student and make it a good experience.
Fear (from a quick Google search): "An unpleasant feeling triggered by the perception of danger, real or imagined."
Simply put, fear keeps us safe (or at least tries to). It helps keep us on the lookout for things that could be of harm to us.
You are suppose to warm up for 30min then start your work out
start mixing other things with the sunflower seeds. then, slowly start to feed him other things. or, you could feed him other things and (kind of) force him to eat other things. (yes, its cruel but they need to eat) but I would advise to try not to feed him so much of the same thing so much, its unhealthy for them.
You're not supposed to feed your dogs chocolate at all. It will make them sick or kill them.