In france grapes are 1.83 euros per kilogram. What is the cost of grapes in dollars per pound if the exchange rate is 1.40 dollars per euro
1.83 euros x 1.40 = 2.56 dollars
1 pound = 0.454 kilogram
1.83 euros per kilogram = 2.56 x 0.454 = 1.16 dollars per pound
velocity = 3250 Hz x 0.1 m
The correct answer is "B. Make a Hypothesis".
Answer:the answer is moles
Explanation: joules are measurements of energy, and moles Joules
Explanation: so a combustion occurs when we react a substance with oxygen .you commonly call this "burning'' .therefore combustion will always include oxygen in the equation and the product will include carbon dioxide and give off water vapours
Therefore the general equation for a complete combustion reaction would be
Fuel + O2 ------ CO2 + H2O