This is because when you want to dissect a pig, it's back is place on a dissecting tray and it's belly side is up which is the ventral side. With the ventral side, dissection will be easy and the major organs and systems can be observed easily as they will be rightly viewed because they are obvious and rightly placed at belly side up.
Bacterial flagella is the external structure that is thin, long and filamentous. It is attached to the cell wall of the bacteria which helps in the locomotion of the bacteria. It has three parts a filament, hook and basal body. The basal body is incorporated in the cell membrane.
A flagellum is made up of a protein called flagellin. It is a rigid protein and helps in making the hollow core of the filament by assembling together to form a structure which is cylindrical in shape.
The organization of flagella on bacterial cells is helpful in the identification of bacterial species. Mostly 4 type of organization of flagella is present on bacterial cell that are monotrichous, amphitrichous, lophoyrichous and perithrichous.
In monotrichious bacteria, only one flagella is present on one side, in amphitrichous both side of the cell have an equal amount of flagella. Lophotrichous bacteria have a group of flagella at one side of the cell and amphitrichous bacteria have many flagella distributed equally on its cell.
Both answers C and D are correct, however, answer D makes more sense.
E. All the answer options are correct.
Cilia are very small hair-like, membrane-bound cell structures. They are present on the surface of many eukaryotic cells. They are made of microtubules and are continuous with the plasma membrane of a cell. On a single cell, they are present in large numbers as compared to flagella. The major function of cilia is to move the cell or to move substances such as mucous, fluid over or around the cell.