Protein process is when the protein takes two steps to transcript and translation. Transcript takes the DNA and in codes it to mRNA which heads out of the cell's nucleus and into the cytoplasm
Osmosis help plants to absorb water from soil. Diffusion is the process by which carbon dioxide from the stomata diffuses to the leaves and then to the cells.
- Example one - The genetic modifications in some of the plants can help in survive and adopt the osmosis in a very dry environment. They develop defense methods to handle the water loss.
- Example two - Some plants in a permanent dry environment like desert have special structures like reduced leaves, sunken stomata, and so on to conserve water and thus achieves diffusion.
- Another example for diffusion - loss of water vapour from leaves to the atmosphere. Another example for osmosis - the roots of the plants have high concentration than the surrounding soil and hence water flows into the roots.
1. A signal is translated to cause muscle contraction
One difference between mechanical and electromagnetic waves is that mechanical waves need a medium to pass through (solid, liquid, gas). EM waves can travel through matter or though a vacuum. In regards to telecommunications, EM waves can be radio waves, these are used in TV's, phones, computers, radios. Mechanical waves somewhat relate to this since radios produce sound;so an EM wave would turn into a mechanical vibration inside a speaker then sound would be produced.
It belongs to the Consumers group