The effect might be due to the gene expression.
The effect might be due to the variation in the gene expression in the organism. In this way, the variety of the genetic pool is likely to result in a diversity of the gene pool or genome. Because of the mutation and the environmental factors, there is likely to be a slight variation of the species. This results in a slight difference in the phenotypic expression.
They are called alleles.
Different versions of a gene are called alleles. Alleles are described as either dominant or recessive depending on their associated traits.
The correct answer is option c. "frameshift mutations".
The reading frame of a gene is based on base-pair triplets, starting from the start codon until the ribosome encounters with the end codon. Base-pair additions and deletions are collectively referred to as frameshift mutations because they alter the reading frame of the gene. Base-pair additions and deletions break down the original sequence of the gene triplets, which alters the open reading frame and usually results in the production of non active proteins.
To copy the DNA, recombinant DNA method use bacteria such as E. Coli whose plasmids has been combined with various gene to produce the substance that is wanted.
A substrate is a reactant that is catalyzed by an enzyme.