C.) Payroll records. These are the most extensive and data-intensive.
Answer:A password or a PIN
Explanation: Develetech is a industry that has the a internet page and can also be used in the mobile devices. There is particular authorization that the organization provides to an individual user for accessing of the services to maintain the security .The security is maintained by providing the devices with an encrypted text that is known as the password. The user has to enter the pin or password to execute the service on device.
scanf() function is used to get a input from keyboard.This function is in the stdio.h library.To use this function we must include the stdio.h library first in the code. Then only we can use the scanf() function in any code.printf() function is used to print anything .this function is from stdio.h library.
Code to read voltage drop across the register.
#include <stdio.h>
// main function
int main(void) {
// variable
double vr1;
printf("Enter voltage drop:");
// read voltage drop from user
// print voltage drop
printf("voltage drop is:%0.2lf",vr1);
return 0;
Enter voltage drop:200.4
voltage drop is:200.40
If the spread sheet is in Excel or equivalent, then you can use the function SUM( ) and select all the cells Kevin wants to add.