Market share liability
To understand the doctrine of market share liability, it is important to first know the meaning of market share itself.
Market share refers to the percentage of the overall sales of a particular industry that is generated by a company. It calculated by dividing the total sales of the firm during a specified period by the aggregate sales of the industry during the same period. This gives an idea what the size of a company is compared with its competitors in the industry.
From the question, market share of BDC for that drug i Ohio is believed to be 40% when the mother of the plaintiff was taking it.
Market share liability is a legal doctrine unique to the law of the U.S. which gives an opportunity to a plaintiff who sustained an injury from a fungible product to establish a prima facie case against the product based on the market share of the manufacturers of that product, regardless of whether or not knows the actual producer of the product.
Therefore, the state of the plaintiff follows the doctrine of market share liability if he is able to collect $40,000 which from BDC out of the $100,000.
The $40,000 is obtained after applying 40% market share of BDC to the $100,000 total damages.
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Its false because the judges in charge of sentencing will sometimes convict over emotional reasons
•provide free meals for the homeless
•raise taxes on millionaires
•improve healthcare for the elderly
Por fuera del poder judicial, crearía un organismo colegiado formado igualitariamente por miembros pertenecientes a los distintos partidos políticos que se hubieran presentado en las elecciones presidenciales: por ejemplo, si hubiesen participado 5 partidos, cada uno tendría una participación del 20% en dicho organismo.
Este organismo tendría la función de evaluar las políticas del gobierno y, a través de mayorías simples, emitir dictámenes evaluatorios periódicos respecto del poder ejecutivo, pudiendo, en caso de creerlo conveniente, remitir causas al poder judicial para evaluar las políticas llevadas a cabo y declararlas nulas.