There will not be any effect because the body will continue to produce enough.
Producing breast milk to satisfy a starving newborn is an arduous and energy-intensive task - about 500 calories a day. Therefore, it is important that moms a little more than normal. If the mother eats little, her body will still produce good quality milk, but she will run out of energy. This can also slow the recovery of your body after childbirth.
What determines milk production is how often the baby breastfeeds or how much more the mother empties her breasts. That is, the more the baby suckles, the more milk the mother will have. This milk will always be the amount of nutrients a baby needs, regardless of whether or not the mother has eaten. But if the mother does not eat, she may have health problems.
7.8 Billion, but to round it...t is 8 Billion
This is the question to search up. I don't think anyone but the internet knows how many people exist...if you understand.
Correct answer is :It has two elements
A binary compound is a compound that is made up of two of the elements in the periodic table. Some examples of binary compounds are
. This means that a binary compound can have more than 2 atoms as in the case of hydrogen oxide. Some binary compounds are ionic as in the case of sodium chloride.This shows that they do not necessarily have to have covalent bonds. This also rules out the possibility that they may always have double bonds as ionic compounds are bound together by ionic bonds. The only thing that will always be true of binary compounds is that they will always have 2 elements.