The answer to this question is a. Event log
Event log in Windows is a comprehensive record of security,system and application notifications stored by the Windows and it is used by administrators to determine problems in the system and foretell issues that going to happen in future.
Operating system and the Apps use event logs to keep account of important software and hardware activity that administrator can use to correct issues with the operating system.
1.) Relative cell reference - A1
2.) Absolute cell reference - $D$2
3.) Mixed cel reference - $D2
In Microsoft Excel, cell references are very important and critical when dealing with formula. They can give you what you’re looking for or make your entire worksheet incorrect.
A cell reference is a cell address or a range of cell addresses that can be used in a formula.
There are three types of cell references and they are;
a) Relative reference
b) Absolute reference
c) Mixed reference
A relative cell reference is a cell reference that changes when you copy the formula to other cells. It s usually just a normal cell reference like A1, B2, C3. If a formula with a relative cell reference is copied down to other cells, the formula will change. That is a formula with a relative cell reference changes with respect to the cell which it is copied to.
An absolute reference does not change when you copy the formula to other cells. In absolute references, the dollar sign $ is used to “lock” both the row and column so that it does not change when it is copied to other cells. An example is $D$2.
Using a mixed cell reference, one is trying to see that only either the row or column changes with respect to other cells when they are copied. It is like “locking” either the column or the row while changing the other. Just like from the example, $D2 is a mixed cell reference where only the column is locked such that only the row changes when the formula is copied to other cells.
Respuesta: Los caracteres adquiridos no se transmiten genéticamente porque no modifican el ADN de los organismos
Jean-Baptiste Lamarck al igual que Charles Darwin, propuso una teoría sobre la evolución que explicaba cambios en los organismos a través del tiempo. La teoría de Lamarck se enfocaba en condiciones en el ambiente que propiciaban cambios en los organismos. Un ejemplo de esto son las jirafas, que de acurdo a Lamarck tenían cuellos largos debido al esfuerzo continuado para comer hojas de árboles altos. Esto significa que la característica de cuello largo era adquirido por las jirafas durante su vida y según Lamarck se transmitiría a sus descendientes.
Sin embargo, se ha comprobado que los caracteres adquiridos no modifican el ADN de los organismos, por ejemplo las cirugías estéticas no cambian el ADN de una persona y por esta razón no son transmitidos a sus descendientes. Por el contrario, en las poblaciones de organismos ciertas características prevalencen en el tiempo debido a la selección natural. Esto significa que el cuello de las jirafas es el resultado que el cuello largo sea una característica beneficiosa que ha prevalecido debido a la selección natural y no de características adquiridas que son transmitidas a descendientes.
<span>A linear bus topology uses a common background cable to connect all network devices.</span>