Spend at least an hundred hours per week on home work
You see the word 'spend' is a verb in this sentence and when a verb falls with expression without a direct subject, it is regarded as a verbal expression; now in this case the expression that follows amplify the word 'spend' in an over exaggerated tone that it becomes humourous ( funny)
As of 2019 8.419 million.
I think that these are two separate questions:
1) <span>According to research, one way women can advance in leadership is...I think that the biggest support for women in leading position is democracy so the answer is by leading in a democratic way
2) The best way to create change is to inspire it!
So it's best to </span>Become strong role models for their followers. -then their followers will participate in the change
<em>Since there are no options, I'll answer the question according to my understanding.</em>
The concept of triadic closure suggests that if a strong tie would exist between Michelle and Brenda, as well as Michelle and J.ulie, then a strong tie would also exist between Brenda and J.ulie.
The "triadic closure" is a theory that was proposed by <em>Georg Simmel </em>regarding <em>"social networking.</em>" This shows the relationships among people and how their relationships evolve over time.
In the situation above, Michelle brings Brenda and J.ulie together which means Michelle is acting as the local bridge. So, this is the reason why Brenda and J.ulie stay friends. This concept is true, provided that both Brenda and J.ulie desire to be friends with each other. If not, then they are not satisfying the triadic closure property.
d. openness to experience
<u>People who are more open to new experiences and ideas are easier to hear and receive a persuasive argument in the discussion. </u>
Those who are<em> more open to new experiences</em>, <em>who enjoy learning</em> and <em>have more need to evaluate things</em> will take the arguments into the account, review them, and, if they prove to be useful and true for them, to accept them.
People who show the need for consistency and high attitude importance are more difficult to persuade. <u>Those who are more closed off and who have their mindset on things are always more difficult to revive the well-rounded argument. </u>