Yup what he said is right !
Seems like an open ended question but I'm going to go with tax breaks for those industries
It is a federal law that was designed to regulate the railroad industry, particularly it's monopolistic practices.
Zulu Chief Bambatha
One of the chiefs who organised an armed rebellion against British colonial authority was Zulu Chief Bambatha. He was not happy with the loss of land his people suffered and the poll tax of one pound that they were forced to pay.
1.) globilization has had a positive effect for the most part because items that would normally cost huge ammounts of dollars now cost way less due to trade.
2.) the Reagan doctrine was a forgein policy that attempted to overwhelm the USSR by arming and aiding resistance fighters that revolted agasint communism. it affected the united states because it sparked controversy.
3.) it was caused by the Saudis imposing an embargo on oil to the united states because the united states supported isreali in the arab-isreali war.