Well.... The only GOOD thing to come out of the Atomic Bombs dropped on Japan was that it ended the war in the Pacific, and WWII as a whole.
After Germany surrendered on May 7th, 1945, the Japanese were frankly disgusted. They said that Germany should have fought to the last man and last bullet before laying down their arms. To the Japanese, to surrender willing was a cowardly disgrace, and was the reason for many of the kamikaze attacks on U.S. ships. It was also the reason why Japanese pilots carried pistols in their planes because if they were shot down and just so happened to survive, they needed to kill themselves instead of having the humiliation of being captured.
So, Japan made it very clear that unlike Germany, they would fight tooth and nail till the very end. At the time, the U.S. saw the Atomic Bomb as a cheaper alternative to losing men and equipment in a seemingly never-ending battle against the Japanese Empire.
Sharecroppers had no control over which crops were planted or how they were sold. sharecropper had to haul logs and repair the owner's fence when ordered. Sharecroppers could only sell their harvest after their rents were paid off
The Civil War occurred from the years of 1861 to 1865. If we are talking about the reelection in 1864, then it means there was only one year left in the Civil War. Therefore, the Civil War was close to ending.
I think yes
I'm not sure but hope it helps