heavy emigration, disease, famine, and war.
Once entering the atmosphere the heated up water vapor (that's the process of evaporation) cools back down (the atmosphere is cooler than the Earth you see). it makes clouds Their it will condense until it's heavy enough to fall to Earth as precipitation!
............. the need of _Nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium_
Each of these fundamental nutrients plays a key role in plant nutrition. ... It's also needed to help plants grow and develop normally. Phosphorus in commercial fertilizers comes from phosphate rock.
"In thermodynamics, a closed system can exchange energy (as heat or work) but not matter, with its surroundings"
Answer: Incomplete dominance
In incomplete dominance, both alleles are expressed but have become blended giving rise to a new trait with one also been more noticed than the other although both are expressed. For instance a red flower and a white flower are crossed, giving rise to a pink flower. As compared to codominance, both alleles are equally expressed and are equally dominant. For example, a white college crossed with a black hen giving rise to a black and white (checkered) chick.