We will be going inside B array, because he was in second place in array E,and will be the first element of array B, so it's 35
E can be understanded as:
E=[[21, 'dog', 'red'],[35, 'cat', 'blue'],[12, 'fish', 'green']], so, you can see array E as array of arrays or so-called two-dimensional array
The faster it reaches the bloodstream
HTML is a very basic markup language and requires memorization of a few dozen HTML commands that structure the look and layout of a web page. Before writing <span>any HTML code or designing your first web page, you must decide on an HTML editor or text editor, such as Notepad or Word Pad.</span>
Speech recognition
Speech recognition would be effective for a clinician when data entry is fairly repetitive and the vocabulary used is fairly limited and over time it as become a replacement for other forms of dictation.
Stack is LIFO data structure (Last In First Out) where the last element entered in stack will be the last one to be out of stack. It has three operations: push() : used to insert an element in stack, pop() : used to delete an element from the stack, top() : used to return the top of the stack i.e. the newest member of the stack. All these operations will take place at the top.
Now, looking at the program, x and y are initialized the values of 2 and 3 respectively. The stack pushes 8 onto the stack making it the first member of the stack. Then the value of x which is 2 is pushed onto the stack. Next, (x+5) = (2+5) = 7 is pushed onto the stack.
Pop() is used to delete hence 7 is popped out from the stack. top() is assigned to y which is 2 in this case and again 2 is popped out from the stack. Now, (x+y) = (2+2) = 4 is pushed onto the stack. And the top() is assigned to x which is 4. 4 is again popped out from the stack. Hence the value of x is 4.