It's phenotype because a genotype is not a physical trait; a genotype means genes. It's phenotype because it a physical trait you can see. Lets say twins look the same on the outside but on the inside they have completely DNA. This is like how some butterflies look the same with orange wings but one might have a mutation in its genes.
Well If the Salmon die from lack of food from polution or something, and other animals benafit from the nutrience they carry. the rest of the ecosystem might parish, i hope that helped im not sure what was wanted
Category D
In the USA, the Federal Animal Welfare Regulations require that research laboratories report animal use according to the species as well as the number of individuals subject to experimentation procedures. Moreover, animal use for research/teaching purposes is also reported according to the classification by pain and distress categories. Basically, this classification has four categories (B,C, D and E) in increasing order according to the pain level suffered by research animals. Animals within Category D include those subjected to potentially painful or stressful procedures. In consequence, in this category, it is imperative the utilization of proper anesthetics and/or analgesics in order to diminish the pain and suffering of these animals at the lower level possible.
I would say extreme temperatures.
Кора головного мозку, найбільша частина мозку, є найвищим центром управління та обробки інформації в мозку. Кора головного мозку відповідає за багато функцій мозку вищого порядку, таких як відчуття, сприйняття, пам’ять, асоціації, думки та довільні фізичні дії.