-barbarian tribes
-economic troubles
-over reliance on slave labor
-over expansion
-Corrupt Government
The barbarian tribes that frightened The Roman Empire were the Franks, Vandals, Saxons, and Visigoths. These tribes would destroy towns by stealing from religious sights and the townspeople. They would sometimes burn down houses or the religious places, such as churches.
The Roman Empire economic troubles were inflation, decrease in trade and unemployment. There was a drop in value of money and raise in prices. Raiders would also destroy trading ships.
Feudalism was the politico-economic system of relationships between lords and feudatories. Everything that the lower classed worked for, was given to their lord. However, once the spread of disease overcame the empire, many of the serfs (slaves in the lowest class, otherwise known as untouchables,) were beginning to die drastically. As this was happening, the feudalism system began to collapse. Lords couldn’t farm without their slaves doing it for them.
It was very expensive to be expanded the way the Roman Empire was. They stretched from the Atlantic Ocean all the way to Euphrates river. It was hard to keep everything in order with the declining profit from trade and employment.
Military spending was an obsession, and this caused a major decline in the economy. Thus, causing the perpetual drain of the empires economy.
I think B but I'm not sure if this is right. We are learning about this now (Im in 6th) in Social Studies. I hope I helped!
Pedometers can be used to measure the estimated distance with how many steps you've made or walked/ran. People with a high risk of type 2 diabetes can use a pedometer if they're willing to because many doctors encourage them to exercise more.
Hope this helps!!
City-states in ancient Greece
They were called "Polis", every Polis produced enough to feed their population. They had their own institutions, laws, currency and army. The belief was that each Polis was protected by their own God, who should they owe respect and sacrifice.
They were ruled by an elite group whose authority was indisputable.
Examples of the two most important city-states that practiced oligarchy in ancient Greece
- Athenas: the government was form by the wealthiest. They were the owners of the land and they had the means to buy weapons to defend the Polis. They formed children in a fisical and intelectual ways. The society in Athena was divided into the
- citizens: divided between the rich and the poor
- metecos: foreing people who where not consider citizens, but they could pay taxes and be part of the army.
- slaves: men and women submitted to a master.
Athenian politics evolved to democracy
- Sparta: it was the rival city of Athenas. It was always ready to go to war. The military education started since childhood. They were forced to take a military politic in the face of constant need to dominate peoples submitted as a result of its territorial expansion.
The obsession with militarization was such, that newborn babies were checked to fulfill with physical patterns of a warrior, if they were not, they were slaughtered.
It was a government by the nobles.
Spartan society was divided into
- Ilotas: slaves without political rights, workers of the land
- Periecos: free farmers, but they must be part of the army if they are needed.
- Espartiatas: nobles, those who took part in politics
The answer is C former slaves fighting in the Union army were essential to several Northern Victories.