Dear Ms. Sandy Walters I am very impressed, happy, and greatful that you did this. I wouldn't expect any less from a great mind like you. Although we do not know eachother I do know one thing: Your work is inspiring.
Sincerely, hamborger69
Yeah it sucked I know but I hope it helps.
“Mono” denotes one, “di” denotes two, and “poly” denotes a large number.
What is the significance of these words in defining the
three forms of sugars?
These terms are used because they depict how the
molecule appears.
The molecule's base unit is called a "saccharide."
materials move against a concentration gradient
This would be an example of ____________.
A) A deletion mutation.
Notice how the sequence continues after loss of the C in the middle. It will also shift the reading frame when translating, thus a frame-shift mutation.
DNA replication is important because without it, cell division could not occur. With DNA replication, the set of DNA of a cell can be duplicated and then each cell that results from division can have its own entire set of DNA, and cell division can theoretically continue indefinitely.