If you use a punnet sq. and cross the parents you see that all the children should be affected. by this thing represented by black.
Cellulose Digestion in Herbivores
By means of the symbiotic gut bacteria, cellulose can be digested by herbivores with the help of monogastric digestion. Herbivores are less efficient than ruminants in the case of extracting energy from the digestion of cellulose. Here, cellulose is digested by microbial fermentation.
The answer is upside-down. Mud cracks spread downward keen on soft sediment. When more sediment is eroded in, this second layer will seal the cracks underneath. Later, after the layers have toughened, the rock may be rotated upside-down and then the layers cracked. If you see edges in a mud-crack pattern, you are seeing at the side of the second layer that initially was down. You can tell that this shows edges, and not holes, through the shadow, the edges have a well-lit on one side and a shadow on the other, while holes have light and shadow on the similar side.
Right upper is the location for the duodenum
B is not one of the three domains of life