On June 6, 1984, the first version of Tetris was unveiled and quickly took the world by storm. While Tetris has appeared on every major gaming platform from the Commodore 64 to the iPhone, it arguably gained its greatest notoriety as the cartridge game bundled with the original Nintendo Game Boy.
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Incremental technique is the way in which software is built and delivered in pieces. The concept is to keep the client and developer on same page and the client is known as a non tech person, so he should be given software in piece by piece to avoid any confusion and sudden change.
Agile method is the best example of this technique in which steps are defined on contract basis and the software is delivered and build by pieces to keep client and developer on same page.
There are inhabited areas INSIDE the Amazon Rainforest. Many primitive tribes with little to no contact of the outside world live in remote areas of the rainforest, but the closest major city to the rainforest (also inside) is Manaus, Brazil.
The answer is "Option A".
Add extra functionality, otherwise, it increases the R-square value, which is defined in the following points:
- To incorporate essential elements, R-square is explicitly promoted.
- It Increases the R-square value, which is an additional feature.
- It removes the features, which provide the value of the reduce R-square.
- After incorporating the additional features is used as the model, which is R-square, which is never reduced.