internal; her dishonesty; fundamental attribution error
Fundamental attribution error: In psychology, the term fundamental attribution error is defined as an individual's propensity of overemphasizing the personal characteristics of another person whereas ignoring the situational factors while judging his or her behavior.
Example: If an individual experiences something bad due to another person then he or she would blame the personality or the behavior of that person rather than the situational factors.
In the question above, the given statement signifies the fundamental attribution error.
With the advent of condensed and evaporated milk in the late 1800s, the percent of mothers that breastfed their babies had come down to 20-30% by 1940.
- Though it was deemed crucial to breastfeed the babies during their infant years, majority mothers chose to feed their babies with condensed and evaporated milk owing to various rumors that had disseminated in society.
- These rumors were regarding the sagging of breasts and also about the possibility of breast cancer due to breastfeeding.
- The availability of evaporated and condensed milk just proved to be of convenience for the mothers who did not want to feed their own milk to their babies.
La conquista romana de Italia . Alrededor de 500 a. C., el idioma latino solo se hablaba en la ciudad de Roma y en el campo circundante.
Resultado de imagen para describir la conquista romana de Italia
La expansión romana en Italia cubre una serie de conflictos en los que Roma pasó de ser una pequeña ciudad-estado italiana a ser la gobernante de la península italiana . ... El nacimiento de la República romana después del derrocamiento del monarca etrusco de Roma en 509 a. C. comenzó una serie de guerras importantes entre los romanos y los etruscos.
Answer: Do you still need help
just took the test love yall