Well you could look at their body language, like, the Goat is looking in a different direction from the camera so something has got it's attention, wether it can smell something interesting like food or it saw something like a mouse, it's up to you. The 2 boys in the picture are looking at the camera, suggesting that the person behind the camera could have said something like, "cheese" or "smile for the photo". The boy in the right looks like he might not have been too happy about the picture however the boy in the left, since he's smiling, he may be happy. Also the boy in the right has his hands together in a kind of close position which could suggest he isn't enjoying what he is doing. The only limit is your imagination. You can come up with a scenario by looking at facial expression or body language. Like if someone frowned at you and just froze. You could interpret that either they are angry at you for some reason or they could be in shock of seeing you.
I'll just put up the pledge and you can pick what's not apart of it from your answer choices.....
I hope this helps( I don't know if this could help you)
There are many reasons why some African nations transition smoothly to independence, while in other conflicts, although perhaps the greatest was the relative irresponsibility of the colonization of forces when it withdrew. British colonies tended to do better than the French or the Dutch.
The answer to your question is C
The security of infant attachment is reasonably stable; later in childhood, securely attached children appear to be more socially skillful, more curious and persistent in approaching new tasks, and more mature. The effect of securely attached child is that it affects how they parent their own children.
Attachment to a protective caregiver helps infants to regulate their negative emotions in times of stress and distress and to explore the environment, even if it contains somewhat frightening stimuli. Child develops internal working model of attachment - a representation of the self, attachment figures and relationships in general which guides later interactions with people.