It is d. a process in which an increasing number of a population lives in cities and suburbs of cities
gender intensification
Gender intensification: The term gender intensification is given by Hill and Lynch in 1983.
According to Hill and Lynch, gender intensification is explained in terms of the gender differences that increase and appears in adolescence. It explains that girls and boys early in their adolescence experience an enormous amount of pressure or compulsion to conform to the gender roles which is culturally sanctioned.
In the question above, Elisa is likely experiencing gender intensification. this shows every hospital
Sensorimotor Stage
Sensorimotor Stage: This is the very first stage of Jean Piaget's theory of cognitive development. The sensorimotor stage starts from birth and lasts around two years of age.
Object permanence is considered to be the important attainment of this stage and states that an object exists even if it is not in a person's visibility or hidden. Through object permanence, a person can develop mental representation that is schema of a particular object.
The earliest stage would be the sensorimotor stage.
An aboriginal skeleton that was discovered in 2012 on the banks of Darling river in Tootale National Park is known as Toorale Man. The skeleton's facial bones were damaged and had deep and fatal wounds. The wound stretched from the forehead to the mouth.
Initially, it was believed that the wound was caused by metal blades and the man died in the violence between the aboriginals and European settlers. But the radiocarbon dating revealed that the man died much earlier, almost 700 years ago. It raised several questions about the use of metal by aboriginals because metal arrived in Australia with Macassan Fisherman in the north and then with the European settlement.
His skull was lying on a washed pile of sand and was arranged in a fetal position and his skull was sticking out.