Hi there, @otakugirl87141!
I am pretty much certain that the key word you are searching for is: Socrates
The great teacher who used reasoning to guide a student to knowledge and truth was Socrates.
I wish for this answer to be helpful for you. Have a great day and let me know if you have further questions!
Motivation is the internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior.
Motivation is the internal process that energizes, directs, and sustains behavior.
In an organization or a company; motivational always plays very important role in employee life cycle. If we define motivation, it is effected by employee morale which tends to the employee's feelings about the job, his superiors and co worker and the company itself. These factors in a job like Motivation, morale and job satisfaction are closely related.
Blanks: Boat, Mountains, River, Ocean
This is an example of Post-traumatic amnesia
Post-traumatic amnesia is the an experience of confusion that an individual would experience after a fatal and deadly head injury. This is usually a traumatic experience for an individual and might lead to a permenent amnesia if nothing is done towards the injury.
For Gill not to remember any of his friends he made while recovering from the brain injury he sustained in the Gulf war showed that he is suffering from the Post-Traumatic Amnesia which happens to be as a result of his head injury.