B, you will get sick but not die
Thanksgiving came to be an official holiday in 1863, declared by President Abraham Lincoln.
The Thanksgiving feast between Pilgrims and the Natives was not public till Bradford's diary was given to be published in 1789. When, a magazine editor Sarah Josepha Hale came across this tradition celebrated by Pilgrims and Natives, she wrote letters to five Presidents asking to declare Thanksgiving, a national holiday. It was President Abraham Lincoln who paid heed to this request and with an idea of unte the country during his presidency, he declared the last Thursday of November as a Thanksgiving day and declared it a national holiday. The date, however, was changed to fourth Thursday of November by President Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1941, to avoid shifting of national holiday (as some year may have five Thursday's in November).
2. Republican President= B. Dwight D. Eisenhower
3. a person who currently holds an office= F. incumbent
4. Democratic President= A. Jimmy Carter
6. to yield or surrender; admit or acknowledge= E. concede
1. formed by Theodore Roosevelt in 1912= C.Bull Moose Party
5. formed by Ross Perot in 1992= D. United We Stand Party
The Consumer Price Index/CPI
They were really worried if they had to get involved in WWl (world war 1) and if they had to go out fighting and one more tension was that if they were gonna have to take part in it.