Voluntary muscles are muscles that are under our conscious control. Skeletal muscles are muscles that you control voluntarily. They are attached to the bone and forms a distinct organ of muscle tissue, blood vessels, tendons, and nerves that covers our bones and allows movement. We can choose to move our leg in order to run.
Cohort marketing.
When it comes to marketing, the term "cohort" refers to specific experiences, events or other factors shared by a group of consumers. These cohorts are used to identify and target segments of the market that, although they may fit into other models, are more effectively grouped and treated as one.
Cohorts are the things that separate specific groups of people even within their demographic groupings. For example, men between the ages of 55 and 70 are a demographic grouping. Men between the ages of 55 and 70 who share the experience of having served in the Navy on board aircraft carriers are a cohort. Cohorts are far more specific than standard demographic groupings and as such are a valuable tool for precisely targeted marketing campaigns and niche businesses.
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It slows brain and body reactions and it can cause liver failure.