The definite answer should be is B
1. Tom is more likely to commit crime than Bill
From studies, it has been shown that there is a genetic susceptibility to engage in criminal activities, studies in the field of criminology and psychology suggest that genes play a role in an individuals tendency to commit a crime.
Based on these scientific findings, since Tom is from a family with history of crime and violent behaviour, there is a higher likelihood that he will engage in crime compared to Jill.
Answer:Competency to stand trial (CST), according to the Dusky standard, has two basic components to its definition. The first component refers to the accused<u> individual's </u><u>Ability to interact rationally with an attorney</u> The second component refers to the accused individual's <u>understanding how the court process work.</u>
Competency to Stand Trial is a a legal construct that states that an individual or defendant should be able to understand the nature, reason and purpose of a legal proceedings against him and should be able to effectively interact rationally with an attorney or counsel in his defense. Such defendant should be able to understand the type of charges against him or her , the court room and the participants included, also he should be able to cooperate with his attorney by giving details to in terms of facts including reasons and causes of his actions for offence alleged on him or her so as to enable the attorney challenge witnesses on his behalf
Only an individual who does not show a mental disorder or defect can understand this conditions and cooperate with an attorney, In cases where individuals try to feign mental disorder, a Psychological testing is carried out so as to show competency for such individual to stand trial .
There is possibility men don't have or they are very few
From the meaning of "out number", it means to be more than a particular set of thing or group of things having a valid or fixed number . if the women has 1% of the population of for anorexia nervosa and 2% of the population for anorexia nervosa and still out number the men, it means it is possible that it is few number of men would have the disease.
If the population of the people having anorexia nervosa is 10 for example and women has 1% of the this population , it means it is 1 woman and if the numbers the men, with this population it is possible no valid case of men has the sickness.
To my own opinion ,it is possible men has very few or no case of these disease since the women also has 1% of the population of those that has the sickness.
Because the most important things are not forgotten