Multiply because it says the word "times" in it.
Diagonal of a rectangle formula:
Diagonal = √l² + w²
Diagonal = √10² + 8²
Diagonal = √100 + 64
Diagonal = √164
Diagonal = 12.806 feet.
Or you can use the pythagorean theorem. The diagonal of a rectangle is the hypotenuse of a triangle.
+ b² = c² ; where a and b represents the lengths of the triangle and c
is the hypothenuse. In this case, the lengths are 10 ft and 8ft.
10² + 8² = 100 + 64 = 164 ; This represents c².
c = √c² = √164 = 12.806 ft
The answer would be 4.5 because 5% of 90= 4.5.
Hope this helped! :)
An integer is a whole number (not a fractional number) that can be positive, negative, or zero.
Since it's a decimal it can not be an integer.
The intersection is where the sets overlap. picture a Venn diagram (two overlapping circles). The intersection is only the overlap part. So for this problem that would be C. {20}