Α. Never give a bottle to a crying baby or else the baby will learn to cry every time it is hungry.
I Personally would because its not my business and it is her own choice
The eMAR is a electronic medication administration record which includes the information about the number of medicines and drugs. The system is linked with a bluetooth wireless technology which links the institutional pharmacies to the nursing stations, hospitals and homes. It is useful in tracking, re-ordering medications, and residential care by availing medicines.
It includes the information about the medication dosage, medication type, patient refill history, number of refills and prescription status.
Answer: Other times they help by influencing a person to respond to a situation or risk in a healthy way
Local governments have taken in an effort to reduce the use of tobacco by launching antismoking campaigns and by banning smoking in public parks.
Federal/State Governments have banned smoking on airplanes and have made it a law to put mandatory warning labels on cigarette packages.
Local Governments also try to make a difference by creating antismoking campaigns and by banning smoking in some public parks.