The answer is C, To save lives, prevent injuries, and protect the health of America's workers.
normal weight category
Body mass index (BMI) -
It refers to the value concluded from the value of weight and height of a person , it basically gives the composition of the body , is referred to as the Body mass index (BMI) .
The value of BMI is calculated by the weight of the person divided by the square of the height .
Hence, the unit of BMI comes out to be Kg / m² .
The values of BMI is characterized as ,
- BMI under 18.5 Kg / m² - underweight category .
- BMI range 18.5 Kg / m² - 25 Kg / m² - normal weight category .
- BMI above 30 Kg / m² - obese weight category .
Hence, from the question,
Patricia is in the normal weight category .
-Check for airway passage blockage if none
-Size the scene right up.
-Shout-tap-shout. The response and respiration check should be at least 5 seconds but not more than 10 seconds.
-If no injuries are found during head-to-toe checks while waiting for EMS to arrive, put the person in a recovery position on his side.
4= very brisk, hyper active w/ clonus, indicative of disease
3= brisker than average, may indicate disease
2= average, normal
1= diminished, low normal