C. technological advances are the result of discoveries and choices.
The new growth theory was developed by a man named med Paul Romer. This new growth theory stresses the role which is determined by human choices.
The new growth theory states that technological advances are the result of discoveries and choices, rather than random choices. It explains the fact that new innovations and technological advancement are not the result of random chance, but they occur as a result of humans and their desire for new innovations.
Therefore option C is correct
Answers below
a) Laureen's AGI - $45,000
For 2 daughter - AOTC is - (2000*2child)+(800*25%+2child)
For Ryan - 1900
AOTC - 6300
Laureen lifetime learning credit - Eligible is 2000 (The amount of the credit is 20 percent of the first $10,000 of qualified education expenses or a maximum of $2,000 per return)
so in above case it is - 1200*20% =240 (Since AGI is below clip of 56000 he can claim same)
=6300+240 = 6540 is eligible deduction
Since AGI is 95000
AOTC can't be calimed if AGI is above 90000 and hence AOTC is zero and Lifetime learning credit can't be claimed if AGI is above 56000.. Hence it is zero education credit
For Daughter it is same as a above i.e. 4,400
For Ryan it is = 2000+(10000*25%) or maximum 4000
=2000+2500 or 4000
so 4000 is allowed
so AOTC total of 8400 and LLC of 240 so claimed is 8640
B) High, low
Firms and brands that continually attempt to operate in the <u>HIGH</u> price / <u>LOW</u> benefits quadrant do not survive over the long run as customer trust is Damaged.
Many times new products have a very short life because companies believe that they can charge very high prices because they are innovations, but they forget to provide the corresponding benefits of a very high price. Usually short living fads result from this strategy, because the customers will demand more for their money and if the product doesn't satisfy them, they wouldn't purchase it again. And with all the social networks we have today, gossip (and videos) about bad products travel extremely fast.
Agent Armstrong needs to be licensed and appointed in every state in which beneficiaries to whom he markets ABC MA plans are located.
In the given scenario XYZ Agency maintains a website marketing the MA plans with which it has contracts. So they are not in one location.
Clients from multiple states can subscribe to their services via website.
Agent Armstrong follows up with individuals who request more information about ABC MA plans via the website and tries to persuade them to enroll in ABC plans.
Since clients enroll in different locations there is a need for Armstrong to be licensed and appointed in every state in which beneficiaries to whom he markets ABC MA plans are located.
This will satisfy the varying compliance rules that each state of operation may have. Thereby providing seamless service delivery to customers of XYZ agency.