Inertia- the tendency of an object to resist a change in velocity
Say a car was going at 65 MPH, but suddenly stopped. For all of the people in that car, their bodies would keep moving forward at 65 MPH until stopped by an equal force (say, the thing right in front of each person) The seatbelt is there to protect you from your own inertia.
This answer would be true, b/c it is not false. It's not false b/c coral reef ecosystems <em><u>DO</u></em> support over a million different species.
Logically, the cell would have two nuclei because karyokinesis (the division of the nucleus) occurs before cytokinesis (division of the cytoplasm).
Common examples of physical contaminants include hair, bandages, fingernails, jewelry, broken glass, metal, paint flakes, bone, the body parts of pests, or pest droppings.
ANSWER: i think it’s D
i’m not sure i hope i helped
i’m so sorry if i’m wrong