You can infer that the parts of the body with the most touch receptors are the most important in receiving touch stimuli from the environment.
A nerve impulse from one neuron affects the activity of a neighboring neuron at a point of interaction called the: SYNAPSE
A NEURON(or nerve cell) has 3 parts:
1. The dendrites(multiple)
2. The axon
3. The cell body
A SYNAPSE is an area where the dendrites of one neuron communicates with the axon of another neuron.
At the synapse, nerve impulses are transmitted from one neuron to the other. This is possible through substances called NEUROTRANSMITTERS. There is no direct contact between the axon of one neuron and dendrites of another neuron.
A lemon has no colour, but when one see a lemon, the brain process the information and make one to perceive that the lemon has yellow colour.
The mental process used by the brain to do this is divided into two stages, the first stage is reflection. When light is incident on the lemon, it reflects the light energy into one's eyes, where it is transformed into neural message. The eye is made up of three different cones which are sensitive to different frequencies of light. These cones process the color and the colour perceived by the observer depend on the type of sensitive opponent cells that are stimulated. A yellow color is perceived when the yellow sensitive opponent cells are stimulated.
it not only stores energy but it feeds the plant
It converts light energy to chemical energy