What is the exoeruent. Searched it up on google and only came up with two search results. None related to chemistry
The model of the atom supported by Bohr's hydrogen experiment is the Rutherford's model of the atom.
Rutherford through his experiment on gold foil suggested the atomic model of the atom. The model posits that an atom has a small positively charged center(nucleus) where nearly all the mass is concentrated.
- Surrounding the nucleus is the large space containing electrons.
- In the Bohr's model of the atom, he suggested that the extranuclear space of the atom is made up of electrons in specific spherical orbits around the nucleus.
C. NaOH ammmonia is also an base but not as strong as NaOH
the mass number of the atom or ion is 6
C. Magma from venus mantle erupted as lava.
A volcano is a land form which results from the eruption of molten rocks (lava) on the surface. Volcanic rocks are a special type of igneous rock that forms when molten rock cools and solidifies on the surface.
For a planet like Venus which is presently not active and little to no movement occurs within the plates, the volcanisim must have occurred when the planet was relatively young and it must have been millions of years ago.
It is widely believed that Venus was geologically active in times past. Mantle generated lava must have solidified on the surface in times past to have formed the volcano.
Evaluating other options:
Impact of space objects on Venus would lead to the formation of a crater which is a depression on the surface. The rock would be mostly metamorphic.
If water was ever present in Venus, they would have produced sedimentary rocks instead. The erosive power of water is not high enough to cut through the crust. Also, water would not aid the formation of volcanoes.
Heat is not enough to from volcanoes. Other factors are also in play.