Enzymes are named according to <em>the reaction they catalyze</em>. Polymers are made of subunits joined together by different types of bonds, forming a macromolecule.
Hydrolases are used by the organism to catalyze the hydrolysis of polymers so they can be easily manipulated as monomers. Hydrolysis means reacting with water, water can break the bonds of different polymers turning it into its constitutive monomers.
One characteristic of life is that living things have different levels of organization
-They have both molecular and cellular organization
- They must have the ability to organize simple substances into complex ones.
- They organize cells at several types of levels, namely:
(a) Tissue- a group of cells that perform a common function
(b) Organ - A group of tissues that perform a common function.
(c) Organ system- a group of organs that perform a common function.
(d) Organism- any complete living thing.
During prophase, which occurs after G2 interphase, the cell prepares to divide by tightly condensing its chromosomes and initiates mitotic spindle formation. The chromatin fibers condenses into discrete chromosomes. The nucleolus also disappears during early prophase.
O founder's effect
A founder effect can be defined as the loss of genetic variation when a new population is established from a few individuals. This process is known to increase the frequency of particular gene variants (alleles) at different <em>loci</em> when they are selectively neutral (or nearly neutral), and thereby such genes are fixed by genetic drift (i.e., through the random sampling of founder individuals). Interestingly, it has been discovered that the majority of South American and Central American Indians are nearly exclusively in the O blood group, which has been further associated with random genetic drift and a founder effect.