Away from food
Chemicals should be stored away from food because the slightest contact between them would lead to chemical contamination
In Ancient times, constellations were used to create and track the calendar so they knew when to plant crops and harvest them. Constellations were also used for navigation and to help sailors travel across oceans.
To calculate investment interest expense dedcution, we need to know the total investment income & total investment interest expenses
Then there're 2 scenarios as followings:
- If the investment interest expenses are less than the net investment income, the entire investment interest expense is deductible.
- If the investment interest expenses are more than the net investment income, we can deduct the expenses up to the net investment income amount. The rest of the expenses are carried forward to next year.
In this example, Ramon's investment income is $72,000 ($34,500 of interest and a $37,500 net capital gain on the sale of securities); is lower than his interest expenses of $83,100.
So Ramon is entiled to deduct $72,000 all the entire investment interest expense in current year