cc × cc
This question involves a single gene coding for plant seedling. The green allele (C) is dominant over the white allele (c). This means that the green allele will mask the phenotypic expression of the white allele in a heterozygous state (Cc).
In this experiment where plate 1 only contained white seedlings instead of all green, this illustrates that all the offsprings were recessive. This is because the parental genotypes were both recessive for the color trait i.e. cc.
Note that, the recessive trait can only be expressed when the recessive alleles are present in a gene. Therefore, the parental genotype would have been cc × cc, in order to give rise to all offsprings with the recessive trait (white colour).
Rapid progress in biomedical science has also encouraged the development of multiple successful medical technologies, but their translation into clinical use has posed complex scientific, cultural, and social problems. As demonstrated by the development of new acquired immune deficiency syndrome (AIDS) medications, the rise of these problems is spurring new interest in medical innovation.
Biomedical products are created for better results in medical technology including autoclave / sterilizer, anesthesia machine, aspiration/suction pump, and blood chemistry analyzer etcetra.
Factors influencing them includes harmful effect on other body parts ( beta blockers have harmful effect on heart), outdating technology, and introduction of evolved diseases that is not abl to cure with old products.
According to a source, the answer to this question is by compacting the soil, decreasing aeration and infiltration. With this process in mind, the plant would be able to survive.
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Easy answer: its too hot.
The deepest man made hole is Kola Superdeep Borehole. That was a Russian experiment to see how deep you could drill into earths crust, reaching down 12,262 meters. At that depth the temperature reached 180 °C. The scientists estimated that a 15,000 meters depth the temperature would reach 300 °C, and at that temperature the drill would cease to work and the project was stopped.
A hypothesis is usually written in the form of an if/then statement, according to the University of California. This statement gives a possibility (if) and explains what may happen because of the possibility (then). The statement could also include "may."