A virus is a dangerous cell. And cells are alive. The nucleus in the cell gives it it's "life" by controlling what the cell does at all times. The nucleus is like our brain or heart, you could say,
C the earth because that is the only planet around so he thought that the sun and everything else rotated around us.
5 grams will be left. After the first 1000 years, there will be half of 20 left, or 10. After 2000 years, half of 10 will remain, which is 5.
Small scale convergence
This term in meteorology occurs in a convergence zone; a region in the atmosphere where two air flows meet and interact, usually resulting in major weather conditions. A Small-scale convergence will produce situations ranging from isolated cumulus clouds to large areas of thunderstorms.
Today, one second is defined as “9,192,631,770 periods of the radiation corresponding to the transition between the two hyperfine levels of the ground state of the cesium 133 atom”. That's a mouthful.