Capital budgeting
Capital Structure
Working Capital Management
When a company wants to introduce any new product in the market it will do the cost benefit analysis and will involve the capital budgeting decisions.
When any kind of bonds are sold, shares are issued, debentures are sold, then that is about creating source of capital that is about, capital structure decision.
When the decision is made relating to any current assets or current liabilities, it is refer to working capital decisions as the working capital includes decision of current assets and current liabilities.
A. 1/3 computers
B. 0.6 computers
A. The opportunity cost incurred by the US to make cars is the number of computers it would have to give up to make a car.
The US can either make 12 cars or 4 computers. For every car made therefore the US forgoes;
= 4/12
= 1/3 computers.
B. The same logic applies to Japan. They can either make 10 cars or 6 computers.
Their opportunity cost for cars is therefore;
= 6/10
= 0.6 computers
Based on what you have a degree on, where the company/business is, would you be happy with the amount of money you got, and would you be ok with what you're doing.
Dividends - <em>Statement of Changes in Retained Earning</em>
Dividends are payments to shareholders from a company's net income. They are derived from the Statement of Changes in Retained Earning because this is where Net Income is sent to. After they are deducted from Retained Earnings, the Earnings form part of Equity.
Differed Revenue - <em>Balance Sheet</em>
Differed Revenue refers to money that was received from a customer or client for goods and/or services that have not yet been delivered. The business will treat them as a liability until they are delivered so they will go under Current Liabilities in the Balance Sheet assuming they are to be fulfilled in 12 months or less which is usually the case.
Service Revenue - <em>Income Statement</em>
These are revenue that the business earns for providing a service when their main source of revenue is by selling goods. It is listed in the Income Statement just after Revenue and is added to Revenue to get Total Revenue.
Dustup forgot to the consumers if the add-on will give them more satisfaction from using their product.
The market is always king. Getting first-hand information about what consumers need and how they need it is the best way to go about creating a product or modifying an existing one to become more profitable.
The removal of the brochures from the bottles showed that shoppers didn't necessarily want their product. What they wanted was to be able to make contact with the company and get more information on how to revive their old wooden floors.